To submit your outfit for QA, you must have finished sewing the outfit to specification. Use our system to inform us and get paid

<aside> ❌ Warning: You are expected to deliver your outfits for QA on time, every time. You should have made high quality garments which are durable and well styled. Submitting bad quality outfits or submitting your QA late will result in a penalty being levied against you, charged to your balance. Read how our Fitted Incentive System works here


Step 1 - Tell Fitted your Sewing is complete

  1. **Dial 347*384# from your phone number registered with Fitted. You will be greeted by the applications home page, and your name will be displayed. You will be given a list of options to choose from relating to orders, payment, measurements and feedback. If you’re unsure of this, check this by messaging the Fitted WhatsApp line on +234 908 368 0999.
  2. Press 2 - “Change Order Status”. This should show you all order status options for your orders. Simply choose which update you want to make to the order - e.g. “Fabric received” when you get fabric delivered or “Sewing complete, awaiting pickup” when you are done with sewing and want to request Fitted pickup the outfit from you
  3. Press 1 - “Sewing Complete, Awaiting Pickup” - this tells Fitted that you are ready for dispatch to collect the outfit
  4. Input Order Number - You will be asked for the order number you want to make this change for. This will be a 5 or 6 digit code with at least 1 hyphen, for e.g. 1006-6 or 2910-11.
  5. Confirmation message - You will receive a confirmation message of your order status change.

<aside> ℹ️ Fitted has automated the entire fulfillment process, so you will be unable to get paid a balance if you don’t follow these steps. Once you change this order status we automatically create a dispatch request. Once we confirm receipt of the fabric and complete QA satisfactorily, you get paid


Step 2 - Tell Fitted the dispatch rider has picked the Outfit

  1. **Dial 347*384# from your phone number registered with Fitted. You will be greeted by the applications home page, and your name will be displayed. You will be given a list of options to choose from relating to orders, payment, measurements and feedback. If you’re unsure of this, check this by messaging the Fitted WhatsApp line on +234 908 368 0999.
  2. Press 2 - “Change Order Status”. This should show you all order status options for your orders. Simply choose which update you want to make to the order - e.g. “Fabric received” when you get fabric delivered or “Sewing complete, awaiting pickup” when you are done with sewing and want to request Fitted pickup the outfit from you
  3. **Press 1 - “Sewn Outfit in Transit”**this tells Fitted that you have sent the outfit back with the dispatch rider or Fitting Specialist
  4. Input Order Number - You will be asked for the order number you want to make this change for. This will be a 5 or 6 digit code with at least 1 hyphen, for e.g. 1006-6 or 2910-11.
  5. Confirmation message - You will receive a confirmation message of your order status change.